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A Message from our CEO

This is a remarkable time for the Alumnis Trust and its schools. We are making considerable investment into ‘powering-up’ classrooms and building essential teams around pupils, staff and schools. We truly believe in delivering equity and excellence as standard in every classroom regardless of which school you attend or teach in.

We have inspiring plans that focus on what matters with the ambition to do things differently, encouraging our staff to be innovative opportunity seekers.


Neil Moir

Neil Moir | Chief Executive Officer

Find out more about the Alumnis Family

Our Schools

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St Helens CoE School

Here at St. Helen’s we explore the world through exciting cross-curricular learning projects whereby children encounter real-life issues, learning how they can create positive change – locally, nationally and globally – as ‘Inspiring Change Makers’.

Bampton CoE School

Through core Christian values, we teach children to be able to understand and articulate their views about what they believe and respect the beliefs of others around them.

We encourage them to understand how they belong to family, school and the local and wider community, and how they fit into and can impact the wider world around them.

We encourage children to think about how and what they are aiming to become as they grow, and how they are able to shape their world.

Through Christian values, together we inspire individuals to celebrate their uniqueness and empower them to become confident, aspirational, inquisitive and flourish in the modern world.

Clawton School

Clawton School is situated 3 miles from the market town of Holsworthy. We are a small village school that take children from 2 – 11 years old. All our pupils are supported by our teachers as individuals to grow to be inspiring change makers in a caring, family and community-centred rural environment. Our C360 curriculum offers an opportunity for children to explore their own talents as well as learn new skills through.

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The latest news

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Week Beginning: 8th May 2023 Monday: Bank Holiday Tuesday: KS1/KS2 Sports Club- Tennis Wednesday: KS1 Lego Club with Miss Johnstone Thursday: Cuppa Club with Mr. McCutcheon Woodland Club with Mrs Fairchild and Mrs Newman Week Beginning: 15th May 2023 Monday: KS1 Film […]

Meet the Head Teachers?

It’s All In A Name

Our name, Alumnis Multi- Academy Trust was chosen as it derives from the verb ‘alumni’ meaning ‘to nourish’. We believe that education should be a journey that fosters a lifelong love of learning, where every learner is enabled supported and challenged to advance as far as they can in their learning within a respectful and nurturing environment.

We educate for wisdom, knowledge and skills, for hope and aspiration, for the community and living well together and for dignity and respect. We enable all children to grow spiritually and become independent learners, developing a deep social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness. We aspire for our children to become individuals who are well equipped to become responsible citizens of the future.


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